Professional & Personal Development and Training

Bespoke training and workshops are designed specifically to the needs of each group.

ALL trainings and workshops promote:

  • Empowerment of self and others through communication of clear boundaries and inclusivity of all areas of diversity
  • A relational approach, enhancing meaningful change from within
  • Personal awareness, self-confidence and self-expression, while also providing opportunity to experience, explore and embrace an authentic sense of self.
  • A combination of psychoeducation; personal exploration and creative expression as tools in achieving the objectives of the particular group

CPD certificates provided

Select a Professional Development Workshop

Select a
Professional Development Workshop

Select a Personal Development Workshop

Select a
Personal Development Workshop

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Professional Development Workshop

Understanding Adolescents

For any professionals working with adolescents.

Participants will gain knowledge in the areas of adolescent neuroscience; attachment theory; emotional regulation and diversity.  Learning to respond in a way that promotes authentic, inclusive and relational connections with young people.

This training aims to provide participants with specific knowledge surrounding the emotional and behavioural development of adolescents. By understanding aspects of adolescent development, the impact of attachment and the difference in emotional regulation states; professionals can then strive to respond and connect with adolescents with clearer understanding. With this awareness  insightful ways of
establishing authentic empathy and connection can be enhanced.

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Professional Development Workshop

Understanding Stress & Anxiety in the Workplace

For anyone who wants to create more clarity on how to create a healthy work/life balance.

Participants will gain knowledge and insight into how stress and anxiety work through your body, mind , emotions and behaviours which in turn can impact on every aspect of your life:

Physical Health | Mental Health | Anger Issues | Burnout | Relationships | Lack of Self-Care…and much more.

Stress and anxiety are a normal part of life, however you cannot manage them if you don’t understand how these feelings work. If we don’t manage them , stress and anxiety becomes toxic and can affect every part of our lives and lead to burnout. This workshop is for you if you want to create healthy changes and bring more balance to your life; and to understand why maintaining these changes can be difficult.

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Professional Development Workshop

The Importance of Boundaries in the Caring Profession

For anyone working in a therapeutic or caring profession.

Participants will explore the motivation for working in their area and the psychological hazards that can be an impact of working in an environment which supports people who have experienced trauma.

Burnout; Vicarious Trauma; Secondary Trauma and Compassion Fatigue will be explored, while also making explicit the patterns and blocks around creating time for self-care. The necessity for boundaries both for clients and the carer will be outlined as well as areas where these can be displayed and implemented. Support will be provided for participants to design their own unique self-care tool kit.

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Personal Development Workshop

Adolescent Wellbeing

This is for any adolescent or pre-teen.

Adolescent years can be one of the most difficult transitions for young people as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Often the struggle can be the conflict between still feeling the needs of a child and struggling for autonomy. This workshop through personal development and psychoeducation aims to empower young people to understand themselves better ; foster an acceptance of diversity and learn skills  to support healthy communication and clarity on boundaries.

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Personal Development Workshop

Empowering Parents: Reclaim the Joy Of Parenting

This is for parents in general, people who parent alone, post separation parents, fathers, foster parents, blended families.

Parenting is a personal and unique relationship, which can be both rewarding and challenging. However, with a little more awareness of ourselves , parents can unlock toxic patterns and become happier and more “at ease” in themselves AND as a parent.

This workshop is designed to support and encourage parents to engage in a curious exploration of their parenting styles and how they themselves can get triggered from old patterns by their children. Reacting instead of responding creeps into their current relationships with their children, these reactions are explored with compassion and curiosity. By being curious about what you bring to the table we enhance not only our relationship with ourselves but with those we love.
Parenting is personal and unique to each individual person and their unique relationship with their child. By becoming aware of our own personal story ,triggers and strengths you can become a more authentic, happier and loving parent.

Dynamic Wellbeing | Michelle Fahy | Logo

Personal Development Workshop

Why Can’t I Keep Boundaries?!?

This is for anyone who struggles to keep boundaries and wants to understand why they continue to be a people pleaser or who suffers burnout.

Boundaries can be quite difficult for a lot of people as it often feels like “your whole body can’t do it!”. This workshop is designed to inform you of the multiple reasons why you may struggle with boundaries. Throughout this workshop you will be encouraged and supported to acknowledge the root of your boundary difficulties and how these emerge in your current life in different forms. This is a process orientated workshop.